Last Wednesday, mom and I flew out to Fayetteville to see Jordan and to turn his newly purchased house into a home. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

I haven't been a very good picture-taker lately, so there's no "people" pictures. I think mom may have snapped one of Jordan and I on her camera, but that was probably it for the weekend. So, no, there's no photographic evidence of the other boy I got to visit while in North Carolina. But I promise, he does exist and one day we will have a photo taken together. One day.
Back to the work weekend. Here are the before and after pictures of the painting/decorating that we (and by "we" I mean mostly mom) did. It was a fun weekend, with semi-warm weather - warm enough for this Minnesotan to wear flip flops the entire weekend even though I got made fun of. We met a few of Jordan's Army friends that we've been hearing about for the past four years and got together with some that we'd already met. I got to spend a few days with that other boy, and he even came down to Fayetteville and got to partake of mom's homemade taco night, which was a treat for all. Thanks, Jordan, for the great weekend. You now have a beautiful home. As mom would say: Keep it clean now!!

looks like you did a good job.......but we want to read more about the other boy.
agreed on both counts to the above comment. :) Looks like a lot was accomplished in a short amount of time!
OH nice- i was just gonna ask for a report on the week. Love the hallway- can't enlarge pics. :( Will try again. We sure had a 'hoppin' wkend here with your other 2 favorite boyz. ;)
Love the paint colors! Even though I kinda liked the yellow I don't know if I would like it everywhere! Love the brown room!! And yes please get a few pics with that other boy sometime would ya?! :)
PS I love that every time I get on here I get to hear Fancy... reminds me of many trips to the youth confrence, and one awesome concert not that long ago! :)
It looks so pretty.. in a manly way! I love it! I also concur with the above commentors. :)
Wow. Was it a four day weekend? You got tons done. Love the changes! I like his Baudette sign too.:)
don't worry, katie, there's still plenty of yellow left. there's two other bedrooms that we left yellow and there's a formal dining room and living room that we left yellow.
we went from wednesday to monday, so like a six-day weekend. but it always goes so fast.
Yikes that is A LOT of yellow!!
ummm... you forgot to answer the rest of our questions Christa!
love the color choices - the hallway is gorgeous in that turquiose. Who did the choosing? And a fireplace?! Congrats on the flipflops - we're snowing again...
Now, about that other boy.....
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