
Office Politics?

On Tuesday my hilarious officemate, MaryJo, declared that we needed to name our plants. I've had a little plant I've been trying to grow since February that she reminds me daily to water. She thought it would be easier if the plants had names so she could say, "did you water so and so today?" instead of "did you water your plant?" So after thinking for a while I named my plant: Sprout! And I named hers Lurch. You can probably tell by the pictures which one is which. I think the reason Sprout isn't growing much is because Lurch is hogging all the sunlight. We'll see how the summer goes.

But one morning after I had been diligently watering and watering little Sprout I came to work and MaryJo had put the little plastic flower in my pot! I was like, "MaryJo, LOOK!!!" As soon as I said that I realized the flower was fake. She got me good!

And who says work can't be fun!?!


Lindsey,Alyssa and Carly said...

I think you need to go to Home Depot, but an African Violet and one of the ceramic pots that go with them!! The water is in the pot and they do soo well in them! Mine blooms for around 6 months on 6 months off! Has done that for like the last 2 years and it's just started a new shoot, so I guess I have to transplant it and start a new pot. So- just buy the pot and I'll give you the plant! What the heck is that plant anyways?!

christa said...

I don't know what it's called......it was some Valentine plant that's supposed to flower. I have an African Violet that I think you gave me in a pot like that - it never blooms. But I'll take another one and see if it works! :)

Lindsey,Alyssa and Carly said...

Has to be potted in the ceramic pot, not just set there in the plastic pot it comes in. Would that be the problem??