So when I got to work this morning, my judge announced that today is the shortest day of the year. It's winter solstice. How depressing, right? WRONG. I was actually pretty excited. Because to me it means one thing...........the days are starting to get longer!!!!!!
Not that we've had an awful winter or anything.....or that winter has actually even started for that matter. But it just got me kinda excited. So I thought I'd pass it on!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
ps - winter solstice always reminds me of my Grandpa Keith, my only grandpa I never met. he married my grandma on this day because it's the longest night of the year. :) that man was thinking!!! hehe.
Winter Solstice
Posted by christa at 11:27 AM 2 comments
December Desktop
It's December 1st. I've been looking forward to this day for one reason, and one reason only - I get to download a new calendar desktop for my computer. Yes, I agree, I'm a nerd. Smashing Magazine has some really cute ones this month.
And here is the one that I will probably change it to sometime closer to Christmas (only because I couldn't pick just one.):
Posted by christa at 3:40 PM 1 comments
Little Project...
Posted by christa at 9:54 AM 6 comments
November Desktop Calendars
I recently stumbled across this site, smashing magazine, that has awesome desktop calendars for free download. There's a ton of options for each month. I found it in the middle of October and didn't feel like changing it in the middle of the month. So I couldn't wait until November to change my desktop.

Posted by christa at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Quick Road Trip
As promised, here's the update on our weekend in Fargo. Hal and I stayed Friday night with Jared, Jill and the kiddos, although Eddie and Nolan were convinced it was Darby and not Hal. I guess they look similar? After Jill ditched us for her pillow (which was, what, 8:00?), the girls and I played a game of scrabble and made bead necklaces and bracelets until the wee hours of the morning. It was so much fun!
On Saturday morning, Carly, Alyssa and I headed out to the chicken coop to collect us some eggs. It was a little dangerous since they have a killer rooster on their hands. Seriously. But no worries because Carly brought the super soaker.
Posted by christa at 3:56 PM 2 comments
Miss Me?
Just popping in to say 'hi!'
Don't have a whole lot to say, but just wanted to update my blog since it's been...........a LONG time. Sorry about that. I have been the worst at having my camera with me or even having time to sit down and tell you how incredibly boring my life is. But I'm hoping to start making time to fill you in a little bit better.
My man-friend and I are off for a couple days to the beautiful Fargo/Moorhead area (sense the sarcasm?)! He's never been there before and since his football team has a bye this weekend, we thought how better to spend a free weekend than by - watching some more football! So we're off to visit relatives and catch some great NDSU football. And bonus for him, they play the Missouri State Bears. (He's from Missouri in case some of you didn't know how that could be a bonus for him.)
So hope to have some pictures and an update when we come back. But don't hold your breath.
Posted by christa at 10:13 AM 2 comments
Going Dark
So after about the fourth annoying spam comment I decided that it might be a good idea to add a little security to my blogging life. You're probably thinking, "Why? It's not like you ever blog." I get it. But it's still annoying.
So if you're reading this, you made it!! There may be a few others that I know, but that I don't know read my blog. So honestly if you hear of someone complaining that they're not going to know the latest and greatest in my life, you can let me know and I'll "invite" them to the cool club as well.
Posted by christa at 2:46 PM 6 comments
He's Baaaack...

Posted by christa at 11:03 AM 4 comments