As promised, here's the update on our weekend in Fargo. Hal and I stayed Friday night with Jared, Jill and the kiddos, although Eddie and Nolan were convinced it was Darby and not Hal. I guess they look similar? After Jill ditched us for her pillow (which was, what, 8:00?), the girls and I played a game of scrabble and made bead necklaces and bracelets until the wee hours of the morning. It was so much fun! 

On Saturday morning, Carly, Alyssa and I headed out to the chicken coop to collect us some eggs. It was a little dangerous since they have a killer rooster on their hands. Seriously. But no worries because Carly brought the super soaker.

We managed to get our eggs without anybody getting hurt. After a late french toast breakfast, the girls and I got our work clothes on and headed back out to that chicken coop to give it a good cleaning. After chores, we had a nice relaxing afternoon of playing on haybales watching the trains go by, walking through the cow pasture, exploring down by the lake, getting covered in those prickly things
(cockleburrs? - i have no idea. been too long since i've been in the country), jumping on the trampoline and just having a good time playing, laughing and enjoying the beautiful fall weather. I played with the kids, and Hal bonded with Diesel (their bulldog). I'm not sure who had more fun! He wants a dog SO bad. And Diesel loved Hal!
We then said goodbye and headed into Fargo to meet Jalon and
Katie at the Fargodome for the NDSU v. Missouri State football game. We both had a blast and the weekend went way too fast. Hopefully we'll be able to make it back up sometime this winter.

Thanks, Jill, for letting us stay and do your chores!! And thanks, Katie and Jalon, for joining us at the game. It was great to see you all again and hang out!