
Winter Solstice

So when I got to work this morning, my judge announced that today is the shortest day of the year. It's winter solstice. How depressing, right? WRONG. I was actually pretty excited. Because to me it means one thing...........the days are starting to get longer!!!!!!

Not that we've had an awful winter or anything.....or that winter has actually even started for that matter. But it just got me kinda excited. So I thought I'd pass it on!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

ps - winter solstice always reminds me of my Grandpa Keith, my only grandpa I never met. he married my grandma on this day because it's the longest night of the year. :) that man was thinking!!! hehe.


December Desktop

It's December 1st. I've been looking forward to this day for one reason, and one reason only - I get to download a new calendar desktop for my computer. Yes, I agree, I'm a nerd. Smashing Magazine has some really cute ones this month.

Here is the one that I chose for now:

And here is the one that I will probably change it to sometime closer to Christmas (only because I couldn't pick just one.):