
Quick Recap

Where has the time gone? Is it really September 1st? And have I really not blogged since April? What?!?! Well, I'll try my best to do a quick recap and fill you in on what's been going in my life this summer! Here goes:

Bridal shower for my cousin, Katie Ingeman (green dress).

1st Annual Block Cousin Fishing Tournament - SO much fun!!

Jace and his brother Ian came to MN for six weeks!

First stop - Barber Shop!

Sniped myself a rabbit! Woohoo!

My BFF Gina moved home to MN. Jordan came home for a pre-deployment visit. So, along with Darby and Deanna, we all went fishing. The fishing was AWESOME this summer on Lake of the Woods - check out those monsters!! We called them whale-eyes!! haha!

friendly little game of softball at Timbermill Park

Stacy came home for a visit, so I got to spend a day up at Spectacle Lake with her and Brian and their families!

Fourth of July Parade

Days spent at the pool.....

Grandma Jean's "surprise" birthday party - hosted by Jace!

New puppies, a good old-fashioned game of lightening, and a beautiful display of God's promises!

My surprise birthday party! Thanks, Micah - it was awesome!! And I really was surprised!

cousin Katie's beautiful wedding at Morris Point Resort!

And guess who is the newest resident of Minnesota?? It's SO nice to not be in a long distance relationship anymore!! Darby and Deanna came down for a visit a couple weeks ago, and the four of us spent the day up in Taylor's Falls along the shores of the beautiful St. Croix River!
So that's my summer in a nutshell.....and I promise I'll try to be better about blogging.